Above is the potential online donation for the Avon 3-Day Breast Cancer Walk I'm doing in June!

Anna's Web Site

This Year's Nanowrimo!!!
go to book of a month club
old resume
new res ascii
Started as a joke with my sister Amy, this is the story of a young dot-commer girl who got a lot of cash and bought a castle in France! Sorry to be separated from her favorite coffee chain, she setup a franchise in the lobby. Story of how a young woman grapples with love, a big castle, and a horrible small french village. This is NOT for francophiles!

Nanowrimo 2001: Here I'm going to post the dailies to my novel. I'm writing a 50,000 word novel in one month. I thought I'd have a central area to post in hopes that this would create some pressure for me to do it and to keep it going. It's the 3rd Nanowrimo, but the first one I've been in.
The quality of the novel, now that's a different matter!
  • still rewriting Managed to read it through a few times and figure out some problems. This version is pretty tight up until around the first visit to seattle, when she meets Marcella, then it gets a little confusing. the original "meeting" was WAY unrealistic. Also the date rape stuff had to be redone. Introduced too many random characters. This is definitely getting better - and ditched the initial train scene with Jack and made it her at her parents instead. more of the brother, who is a fun character.
  • finished!!!! 8 words over. put in some scenes at my favorite porltand locales: rimsky korsakov & thrift stor ehsopping :)
  • finished, but not finished 43K words, but needs to be filled out in bits in the middle. Shy 6 something words! but close.
  • all together, up to 41,653! by Monday 11/26 will she make it by friday? wills he? will she? the climax was written here, almost on the 41,000 dot. Alma confronts her 'birth' parents basically.
  • second 1K words
  • a separate file, recent addition trapped w/out a computer so now i'm in a cafe. current word count? probably 38500.
  • as of sat. 11/23, just ch9 the road trip to seattle with rap dj in the car and then up to Marcella's for turkey day. The latest version of ch 6-8 are on my work computer which I'll upload on monday. word count, like 38000 I believe. whew. plot developments: showdown between Evan (stanford beau) and Alex, who is back from budapest.
  • as of sun 11/18, still on ch 8 the kids hang out in Alma's house and fart around, some weird dynamic between her younger bro & amina. Evan is in this scene. word count: 30,036. I have anxiety about ending this story. have to get on to seattle. will it exceed the count? a week 1/2 to go!!!!
  • as of thurs 11/15 chap 6-8 (words: 24,344) finally broke through the barrier and got some tension. whew! The plot is a bit late in coming I guess.
  • chaps 1-6, as of 11/15 and started another file, second part which is the rest of chapter 6 + . Managed to get our Alma a bit flawed, she has some decisions to make. yee ha. conflict! Not on time, it was at 21K end of yesterday so I'm about 4K behind.
  • as of nov 13th, later on - this gets really pretty bad. they get to palo alto, alma gets a note from Alex, she dj's a show on campus, just random adolescent tripe! I hate this novel! Why am I writing it!!! help help help. OK. time to go to bed.
  • as of Nov 13th - over the 15K hump but still a few thou behind! End of portland schene, chapter six. may start a new word doc soon.
  • as of Nov 8th 9872 words? includes interlude w/ Marcella in Seattle
  • as of Nov 6th 8000 words? (massaged first chapter, added sojourn in seattle!)
  • as of Nov 5th 6K words about . (first pass at chapters 1-4)

to learn more about what the h*** this is: nanowrimo
to talk to me, anna_billstrom@yahoo.com
To see a strangely similar site, check out my mom's: home.pacbell.net/billstrm
